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Friday, August 29, 2014

Air Fighter 2 - Game Art Animation

6 Vehicles Animations for your game projects
1/ Freefly 2/ Maneuvering 3/ Gun Fire 1 4/ Gun Fire 2 5/ Rockets Fire 6/ Getting Out
A set of 6 vehicles animations of a air fighter. Built for easy graphics swapping, but feel free to use the animations, some activity or parts included in your game projects.
Everything is well organized in folders. All parts have been given on movie clips, for easy access and coding. You can customize them and use them easily on your projects. Modify postion and duration frames or simply modifying the position on the motion tweened animations.
Animation Sample runs at 30fps. Graphic Art Source in png files included.
Any feedback are welcome! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Air Fighter Animation Samples 1

A set of 6 activity Game Art animations. All it is Raster Graphic. Sprite Resolution: 180×250 px. Organized and Labelled on Movie Clips. Runs at 30fps.
Any feedback is much appreciated! 


To save the image file, move the mouse cursor over the image, right click, and save image.


Free Game Assets, with new Arts added every Tuesday and Friday!


Also you can contact me to any special request. Please, only paid works. You can use to contact me.